Dose discontinuation

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Fewer patients receiving BRAFTOVI + cetuximab discontinued therapy due to adverse events compared to control arm*

Rate of discontinuation primarily due to AEs (any grade) per updated post-hoc analysis 13

Rate of discontinuation primarily
  • In patients treated with BRAFTOVI + cetuximab, the rate of all study drug discontinuation due to any adverse reaction was 1.9%1

Patients receiving BRAFTOVI + cetuximab maintained a higher median relative dose intensity compared to control arm*1

Median relative dose intensity

BRAFTOVI + cetuximab - 98%BRAFTOVI + 93.5%cetuximab and FOLFIRI + cetuximab or irinotecan + cetuximab : 85.4%cetuximab + 75.7%irinotecan + 75.2%folinic acid + 75%5-FU

*Irinotecan based treatment regimen

HealthCare Professionals​

This is an international website for BRAFTOVI dedicated to Healthcare professionals ​​

IMPORTANT: the information on this website is based on the European Summary of Product Characteristics. Prescribing Information and indication may vary per country. You must refer to your country prescribing information. Please be aware we do not take responsibility for accessing such information which may not comply with the regulation or usage in your country.

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This is an international website for BRAFTOVI dedicated to Healthcare professionals.

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